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Le ROI Udaipur
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Le Roi Hotel in City Station Road, Udaipur
Planning the wedding is exciting and equally challenging is deciding the venue. Everyone wants to enjoy wedding ceremonies with love and laughter along with comfort. Le Roi Hotel, Udaipur is one such wedding venue where you and your guests can feel tranquil and calm amidst festivities. Located just opposite the Udaipur Railway Station, Le Roi Hotel ensures that the guests can effortlessly reach the venue.
Since its inception in 2010, this venue has been crafting beautiful memories for people seeking a perfect wedding setting. Le Roi Hotel offers versatile spaces for various ceremonies. From pre-wedding functions to the wedding celebration, this wedding venue in Udaipur accommodates your vision. Le Roi Hotel, Udaipur has a banquet hall that has a capacity of 250 people. The wedding venue is well-equipped with amenities to make your celebration joyous. The in-house team of chefs at the venue is exemplary and can serve a diverse range of cuisines. Caterers and decorators can also be hired from outside.
Create timeless memories at Le Roi Hotel, Udaipur
The staff at Le Roi Hotel, Udaipur, is dedicated to ensuring that your wedding day unfolds smoothly. Their commitment to hospitality and attention to detail adds a personal touch to your celebration. Le Roi Hotel costs are designed to be affordable. From its central location to the stunning backdrops and reasonable costs, this wedding venue offers a perfect blend of comfort and charm.
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