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Jee Ri Haveli
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Jee Ri Haveli in Gulab Sagar, Jodhpur
Jee Ri Haveli, Jodhpur, is a heart-warming extension of beauty and serenity. This wedding venue in Jodhpur is in Gulab Sagar near Ummed Chowk, and the ambiance of this venue will impress you with its simplicity and elegance. The terrace banquet hall at Jee Ri Haveli, Gulab Sagar, Jodhpur, boasts of an enchanting ambiance of elegant lights, fine furnishings, and warm vibes. You can sit back and enjoy while all the important details are looked after. Couples can look into Jee Ri Haveli photos to know more about their services and amenities that can differ from other wedding venues.
You can get a wedding catering team of your choice and set up multiple buffet counters for your guests. The catering service providers serve multi-cuisine vegetarian delicacies, which is an absolute treat for the taste buds and the venue allows the hosts to get their preferred decorators and catering service providers for the function. This banquet hall in Jodhpur also provides comfortable accommodations for all guests arriving from far-off places. Jee Ri Haveli price is also very affordable to couples, and this is a great place to host your guests, where they will feel warm and welcome.
Wedding events at Jee Ri Haveli Jodhpur
Apart from their extensive range of services, they specialize in meticulously arranging pre-wedding brunches, mehndi ceremonies, sangeet functions, and flawlessly managing reception ceremonies for couples. This remarkable venue offers couples the chance to bring their vision of a destination wedding to life, thanks to the unwavering support and exceptional service provided by their highly skilled staff.
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