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The Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur
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The Oberoi Rajvilas in Prem Nagar, Jaipur
The Oberoi Rajvilas is one of the best wedding venues in Jaipur, situated in a fort on beautifully landscaped gardens with pavilions and reflection pools. It welcomes visitors to live as Indian Rajput princes of the past, pampered by attentive staff and surrounded by exquisite architecture and lovely grounds.
As you know, Jaipur resembles the backdrop of an old-fashioned Indian royal film with its facades made of pink stone, exquisite palaces, and sunsets that are the colour of roses. This lively, exotic location in the interior of India is home to The Oberoi Rajvilas, a luxurious wedding venue that is just breathtaking. This hotel will make you feel like a king or queen. Oberoi Rajvilas photos will mesmerize you, and you will immediately want to visit this place.
At The Oberoi Rajvilas, you get 54 deluxe rooms, villas, and 14 fully air-conditioned luxury tents. Each accommodation is roomy, distinctive, and incredibly charming. Enjoy delicious Indian food in the venue and then see the evening's musical and dance acts to get carried away. The chefs and decorators put life into your event with delicious food and beautiful decor.
Enjoy all your Indian and Traditional Events at Oberoi Rajvilas Jaipur
Oberoi Rajvilas Jaipur is the wedding venue for occasions, including engagement ceremonies and the splendor of sangeet, mehndi, and haldi ceremonies. The Oberoi Rajvilas cost is ideal for destination weddings, Large Indian weddings, business seminars, birthday celebrations, anniversaries, exhibitions, and royal reception ceremonies.
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