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New Ganpati Garden in New Ganpati Garden, Jaipur
New Ganpati Garden in Gopalpura Bypass is an affordable wedding venue for large gatherings. With a capacity to host up to 1050 guests, this venue is perfect for vegetarians. To experience the venue virtually, Google search for New Ganpati Garden photos and you can come up with the best ideas on how to roll out your dream wedding in this venue. Located only 16 minutes from the Jaipur Junction, this wedding venue is easy to commute for your guests. You can choose your family's favorite decorator, color panel, caterer, and DJ to adhere to the theme of the wedding. The New Ganpati Garden Cost is reasonable for weddings and offers an elegant setting for all family events.
Book New Ganpati Garden for cherishable weddings and unmatched deals
With elegantly landscaped outdoor party spaces and impeccable interiors, New Ganpati Garden is an amazing deal wedding venue in Jaipur. This affordable Jaipur wedding venue is apt for hosting a variety of celebrations, from intimate receptions to mehndi and gatherings like cultural and religious ceremonies, post-wedding brunches, etc. Book your weddings and family events with New Ganpati Garden for the best memories.
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