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Aranya Greens
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Aranya Greens in Sohna Road, Gurugram
Looking to celebrate your special occasions in Gurugram without breaking the bank? Stop searching and come to Aranya Greens. The on-site specialists here will gladly take care of any and all aspects of your event, from catering to décor. Plus, you can choose the caterer that best suits your tastes and preferences, so the menu can be tailored to your event. Additionally, there is plenty of parking available for guests who prefer to drive. Rest easy knowing that the attentive staff will take care of your special day. It will be an absolutely spectacular occasion.
- Conveniently located off Sakatpur Road, accessible by road and public transportation.
- Lush lawns are perfect for weddings, receptions, and various other events.
- Expert catering and decor services are provided on-site.
- Option to hire preferred caterers for personalized menus.
- Ample parking space is available for guests' convenience.
Ready to see more? Check out Aranya Greens' photos to imagine your big day at this wedding venue.
Aranya Greens in Gurugram is the perfect choice for your wedding festivities!
Their lush lawn can accommodate up to 100 guests for a wedding, reception, sangeet, mehndi, or other social or corporate event. Concerned about Aranya Greens' cost? Rest assured, you can celebrate your big day without breaking the bank. So why wait? Book Aranya Greens today, and let the festivities begin!
There are a great number of wedding venues in Gurugram that offer space for wedding festivities. Check out Weddings by Betterhalf for more information on this!
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