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Hilltop Greens
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Hilltop Greens in Surajkund, Faridabad
Hilltop Greens in Surajkund, Faridabad is a grand wedding venue with multiple outdoor wedding lawns and a classy indoor banquet that can be used individually or in combination. Checking online for photos of Hilltop Greens could be a great step to knowing the amenities of this wedding venue. Their in-house team of caterers and decorators are of great help in tending to your needs and do an excellent job in bringing your dreamy wedding banquet into reality. They serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food here. The cost of Hilltop Greens is reasonable and will leave you with the best memories for life.
How To Reach The Hilltop Greens in Faridabad?
Located in the one most popular areas of the National Capital Region, this wedding venue in Faridabad can be reached easily by private vehicles via the wide and smooth network of road. The nearest metro station ie. Mewala Maharajpur Metro Station is a distance of 4.5 km making it easier for your guests to commute via public transport. The New Delhi Railway Station and IGI Airport in Delhi is at a distance of 27 km and 35 km respectively.
Hilltop Greens Faridabad- Lets You Host A Range Of Events
With its scenic view and charming aesthetics, Hilltop Greens is the perfect wedding venue in Faridabad for your wedding, engagements, bachelorette, parties, and other wedding functions are all perfect events to host in the banquet hall and lawn of Hilltop Greens.
Call us to check if Hilltop Greens, Faridabad is available on your wedding date.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many guests can the Hilltop Greens in Faridabad accommodate?
The wedding venue in Faridabad can accommodate up to 700 seated and 2100 floating wedding guests on its premises.
How many event spaces are available at the venue?
There are three wedding spaces available at the venue catering tgo different needs of couples. Two of these event spaces are a combo of wedding lawns and wedding halls, while one space is exclusively an outdoor wedding lawn.
Does the Hilltop Greens offer in-house vegetarian and non-vegetarian catering options?
Yes, the venue offers in-house catering service. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is available.
Does the Hilltop Greens offer in-house decor services?
Yes, in-house decor is available at this wedding venue.
Is alcohol allowed at the venue?
Yes, alcohol is allowed at the venue. However, its not available in-house. You will have to being in outside alcohol.
Are outside vendors allowed at the Hilltop Greens?
While outside catering is allowed at the venue, you cannot hire outside decorators.
Is there an in-house DJ available?
No, in-house DJ is not allowed available but you can hire an outside DJ at the venue.
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