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The Ocean Pearl Gardenia
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The Ocean Pearl Gardenia in Chattarpur, Delhi
Ocean Pearl Gardenia, a covert in the heart of Delhi, intertwines modern style with an enduring enticement. Bounded by green landscapes, it's where dreams unfold, eccentric tales of love, luxury, and enduring memories. With the venue's 34 spacious rooms, luxurious banquets, and high-class amenities, it's a perfect setting for grand celebrations. Let our professionals tailor the venue to your desires, ensuring an event filled with grandeur and class. Every photo of the Ocean Pearl Gardenia narrates a story of grand celebrations. The Ocean Pearl Gardenia stands out for its errorless client service and detail-oriented attention. Ocean Pearl Gardenia prices are in the premium range as the wedding venue provides luxurious services.
Venue details:
- Pacific I with 800 Fixed capacity, 1000 Floating capacity
- Pacific II with 300 Fixed capacity, 450 - Floating capacity
- Pacific III with 250 Fixed capacity, 400 Floating capacity
- Crystal Lounge with 100 Fixed capacity, 150 Floating capacity
- Poolside with 220 Fixed capacity, 350 Floating capacity
Celebrate your stunning bridal bliss at The Ocean Pearl Gardenia, Delhi
From the imperial ballroom to the guests' lawn, terrace and poolside, this wedding venue offers a diverse space for your celebration. The venue policies allow flexibility, with ample parking and alcohol options. helpful and experienced staff takes care of every detail, providing bridal rooms, service staff, in-house catering with a multi-cuisine menu, and in-house decor services. Ocean Pearl Gardenia hosts weddings, receptions, engagements, and pre-wedding functions in its elegant banquet halls, poolside area, and lawns. The wedding venue in Delhi has Ample parking for 200 vehicles and provides convenient and stress-free arrivals for guests.
Connect with grandeur at Ocean Pearl Gardenia to celebrate your Grand weddings. Call us to reserve your momentous date, check out the Ocean Pearl Gardenia photos, and let the enchantment of celebrations unfold.
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