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The Ritz-Carlton
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Looking for a lovely "wedding venue near me" to say your vows. There is just one place to go: The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore. If you are looking for an ideal wedding venue in Bangalore, then The Ritz-Carlton is the right place. Due to its location in the heart of the Bangalore, this wedding venue is perfect for couples looking for a beautiful yet affordable setting for their special day. Everything you require for your wedding can be found there. In addition to the indoor banquet hall, the venue has a lovely outside lawn area for wedding celebrations. It is the best wedding venue in Bangalore. It is the best location in Ashok Nagar, Bangalore
Best suited for:- The venue is best suited for weddings, anniversaries, kitty parties, corporate events, birthday parties, engagement ceremonies, pre-wedding ceremonies, and many more.
Approach or Location:- The venue is located at Residency Road, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025. It is also 1 kilometre away from the Ashok Nagar bus stop.
Amenities:- Mandap setup is available, air-conditioned halls, well-equipped venue, power backup, etc. The venue has a stage, a sound system and complimentary changing rooms for the guests. They also provide AV equipment, a projector, and a microphone at the venue at an additional cost.
Capacity:- This wedding venue can accommodate up to 500 guests in a seating arrangement and 700 guests in a floating arrangement.
Parking availability:- The venue has sufficient parking space for up to 100 vehicles. They also provide valet parking services.
Pricing:- The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore offers a range of packages. The wedding venue offers both vegetarian and non-vegetarian catering options.
Venue policies:-
No Music allowed late
Halls are air-conditioned
Ample parking
Baarat allowed
Firecrackers allowed
Hawan allowed
No overnight weddings allowed
Q1. Does The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore allow small-size gatherings?
Ans. Yes, they allow small-size gatherings like private gatherings and gettogether.
Q2. What is The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore’s policy on catering?
Ans. In-house catering services only.
Q3. What is The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore’s policy on decoration?
Ans. Outside decoration services are allowed at the venue.
Q4. Does The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore permit outside alcohol on the venue premise?
Ans. Outside alcohol is not allowed on the venue premises.
Q5. What is The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore’s policy on DJs?
Ans. They do have in-house DJs, but they do not allow outside DJs.
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