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Shree Swargha Heritage
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Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue in Narayanapura, Bangalore
Shree Swargha Heritage is an open air wedding venue. Its cool and breezy atmosphere is an ideal fit for your wedding ceremony. The venue has a huge green lawn and an adjacent banquet hall. You can choose the space you want out of these two. The venue’s lawn is bordered by huge trees that endow their shade on the periphery of the lawn.
Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue Venue Details
Best Suited For:- Shree Swargha Heritage is an ideal wedding venue in Bangalore for grand wedding ceremonies like engagements, main wedding events, wedding vows, reception parties, etc. It is also a great venue for grand events like cultural concerts and seminars.
Amenities:- Shree Swargha Heritage is an open air wedding venue. That’s why it has both- an outdoor lawn and an indoor banquet hall. They provide catering services and decor services. Their catering also includes a delicious menu of non-vegetarian options. Alcohol is also allowed. The venue has strict in-house decor policies that make them proficient in designing your wedding decor as best as possible. They have 36 guest rooms for your lodging and also have power backups. They allow hawan and baraat for your grand wedding event.
Capacity:- Shree Swargha Heritage has a seating capacity of 1,200 guests and a floating capacity of 1,500 guests on their outdoor lawn. Their indoor banquet hall can accommodate 900 guests.
Parking Availability:- Shree Swargha Heritage has a very huge parking space for 250 vehicles.
Pricing:- Shree Swargha Heritage has a wedding venue price of ₹50,000. The booking is refundable if you wish to cancel. Their catering charges are ₹800 - 1,000 while their room charges are ₹1,000.
Venue Spaces
Open Air Hall: Seating:100, Max Capacity:150
Lawn 1: Seating:700, Max Capacity:1050
Lawn 2:Seating:300, Max Capacity:450
Hall: Seating:300, Max Capacity:450
Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue price
Vegetarian: ₹750/Plate
Non Vegetarian: ₹850/Plate
Booking & Payments
Total booking amount : Rs. 50000
Rooms available
No. of rooms:6
Average price of room: Rs. 1000 /-
Parking Space
No Valet provided by venue
Parking space available for 50 vehicles
How to reach Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue
This venue is 2 km away from the Thanisandra Bus Stop
Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue Policies
Cancellation Policy
Non cancellable
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol allowed at the venue
No outside alcohol allowed at the venue
No corkage costs applicable
Decor Policy
No Outside decorators allowed
Decor provided by the venue
Catering Policy
Food provided by the venue
Outside food/caterer allowed at the venue
Non-Veg allowed at the venue
Late night Policy
No Music allowed late
No overnight wedding allowed
FAQs about Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue
What is the guest capacity range at Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue?
This venue can accommodate 1500 guests effortlessly
What is the Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue policy on DJ?
No in-house DJ available
Which payment methods does Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue accept?
Cheque and Bank Transfers are accepted
What food menu and catering choices are provided at Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue?
Non-veg and veg food are allowed and outside caterers are also permitted
Celebrate your Union at Shree Swargha Heritage Wedding Venue, Bangalore
The entrance to the venue is a cobbled street with bushes on the side. You will enter through a lighted arch that their decor team will set up. Next, the venue has a stage decorated with silk drapings and flowers. You can choose the types of flowers you want. It can be multiple colors and also banana leaves will be there. Imagine getting married under the stars with a canopy of a leafy mandap over your head! So true to tradition. Book this venue for a wonderful outdoor wedding experience.
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